One Trilion Dollars

From the ARES blog,  "Carter says estimated $1 trillion sustainment cost "is unbelievable for two reasons: it's huge, and you should not believe it, it's a parametric forecast based on the information available. We have not begun to manage it. No-one is going to pay that cost"

The F-35 fanatics claimed that the numbers were unjust, that he were comparing some twothousand F-35:s against less F-18:s or about the same number (? at least I think it's like that, don't bet on it though) of F-16.
Perhaps right, but what caught my eye were the words "No-one is going to pay that cost"
Is this the first sign that USA will reduce the buy of F-35? Or, more likely, that the pressure is on Lockheed Martin to really really prove their claim that an airplane three times as complex and 50% bigger that the predecessor is cheaper to operate and maintain?

Just askin'

Photo from Lockheed Martin

"three times as complex and 50% bigger" is just an lazy estimation, if you have better numbers feel free to share them


To stirr a bowl.

One thing is certain, if you are an airplane geek and wants attention on the internet you shall write about the F-35. Unfortunately it is not the balanced comments like "I wounder if it is wise to pack all the equipment inside the airplane due to costs and performance?" that will give you the attention. It is comments like "F-35 is a piece of garbage" or "F-35 is the best thing since lady Godiva" that will give you the attention. Or personal attacks on the persons stating their love/dislike to the plane.
As much as I want my voice to be heard, I'm not sure I'm in for that kind of attention, so I think I'll just stick to my low profile commenting.
But I'll stick my neck out on this one, the most beutiful 35 is not manufactured by Lockheed Martin, nor Sukhoi. This is the beauty queen of all 35:s